What a Time to Be a DAO || DT Weekly #23
Tally goes no-code with Smart Contracts, token governance continues taking Ls, AI rick rolls & deep legal DAO dives
congrats on finding the best DAO newsletter on planet earth. this is your one-stop shop for everything DAOs in 6 minutes or less, guaranteed.
eyes tired? listen to the full DAO Talk Weekly podcast ⬇️
frisson is out on parental leave so tommy brought in Kyler from the DAO Research Collective to intellectually throw down on Friday’s episode of DAO Talk. if you want deeper musings through the lens of one of the brightest DAO legal minds, check out the full episode; otherwise, shall we begin?
🎙discussed on the pod
🤯Tally makes it easier than ever to use smart contracts

Remind me: what is an ABI?
ABIs (Application Program Interface): indicates the caller of the function to encode the needed information like function signatures and variable declarations in a format that the EVM can understand to call that function in bytecode; this is called ABI encoding.
tl;dr if you want to interact with a smart contract, the interface needs to know what smart contract you are interacting with so it can call the relevant functions. an ABI gives the interface a framework to work from & call existing functions (Ex. if you upload an ABI for an ERC-721 & but are trying to update the voting threshold on a Governor contract, it ain’t gonna work. square pegs won’t fit in a round hole)
ABI standards now AUTOMATICALLY import into your DAO ops interface. No more pesky searching & uploading or incorrectly uploading the wrong ABI. just select your ABI standard → select your contract method → submit proposal & enjoy!
this is MASSIVE for the everyday DAO participant. there is still a huge technical barrier when it comes to empowering non-developer DAO contributors & any removal of that barrier (web3 no-code solutions, accessible UX/UI, education) is essential to the growth of the DAO ecosystem.
note: this feature only works with standard ABIs, if your contract contains a custom method you will still need to upload an ABI
🤑The DAO Compensation Guide to end all DAO Compensation Guides

transitioning from working in web2 → web3 can be daunting. how do contributors get paid? how is this model sustainable? how do contributors manage creator burnout? look no further.
🗳Auto-delegation: yay or nay?

voter participation is up there with the most important issues to solve in DAO governance. delegation is an important feature, but what if the delegate doesn’t vote?
of course the issue remains if the ‘second ranked’ delegate doesn’t vote but small design features like a ‘waterfall’ delegation concept go a long way in improving turnout. bullish on small ideas in the pursuit of excellence, not everything needs to be industry changing.
🗳Token governance continues to take Ls

longtime readers know DAO Talk studios’ anti-governance token stance is all about solutions. we can talk sh*t about the inherent flaws of governance financialization but without seeking a more effective alternative we are just ‘old man yelling at cloud’
Protocols like otterspace, hats, & lens are attacking the issue head-on: hell yeah 🤝
Note: if you or a colleague are building an on-chain governance/permissions protocol: reach out! we would love to have you on DT!
💬Your weekly thot boi take

🤝bonus links
comprehensive pre & post-DAO legal considerations paper from Kevin Chen
nouns news
Gauntlet releases Aera, the first autonomous treasury management protocol
if you couldn’t tell: massive week for DAOs! we’re excited to be exploring and growing this exciting new frontier with y’all & honored you choose us to stay updated on all things DAOs. we’ll see ya next week!
peace ✌🏻
your friendly neighborhood DT bois