it's DAOtober baby! || DT Weekly #20
DAOs are boomin, Hop Protocol gets spicy w/ on-chain governance, another L for multi-sig DAOs
congrats on finding the best DAO newsletter on planet earth. read in 6 minutes or less — this is your one-stop shop for everything DAOs. let’s get into it.
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seasons greetings friends,
we’ve noticed a lot of new faces since last week. welcome, this is the DAO Talk Weekly Newsletter. we keep it short, sweet, and packed with DAO knowledge (oh, and we don’t take ourselves too seriously). if ya want the full DT experience check out the weekly pod that comes out Fridays! otherwise, let’s dive in!
🎙discussed on the pod
📞DAOs are boomin’
bear market? don’t tell DAOs. as the DT fam knows, DAOs are having a moment; although we hesitate to say it’s a moment anymore. a prolonged experience? an extended period of momentous growth, perhaps? regardless, DAOs are trending up and DAO talk is here to keep you in the loop.
check the pod for the full breakdown why!
🥳Hop DAO’s 1st Proposal on Tally

Remind me: Hop Protocol is a decentralized Layer2 bridge allowing users to trustlessly send tokens across roll-ups (Ex. Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon) and their respective L1 networks (Ethereum).
Hop decentralized a few months back and their founder, Chris Whinfrey, was the 1st ever DAO Talk interview guest 🤯
tl;dr: Our friends at GFX labs, also DT interview alum, submitted the 1st on-chain proposal to Hop via Tally. The team decided to bundle 8 different off-chain proposals into one massive proposal leaving no room for nuance.
Look, the proposal was made with good intentions and all had passed sentiment checks via Snapshot buttttt bundling 8 different proposals into one castrates the governance process and is a horrible precedent to set. Similar to the Rari Fuse hack governance bribing fiasco we discussed a few weeks ago, the intentions were pure but the long-tail effects could be negative AF 🤕
Since publishing, the team has responded to the critique: based.

🤝Behind most DAOs, humans are needed

the need for DAO operators with effective interpersonal skills cannot be ignored anymore. the space is growing and with growth comes competition. product superiority must be met with sales superiority. a tale as old as the existence of business.
😬Another day another 9 figure “DAO’ with a multi-sig

you’re probably getting tired of us yelling about the pseudo-decentralization of organizations running on multi-sigs. and guess what, so are we! but someone’s gotta call it out, so we will. big ups to Getty for throwing it into the limelight as well, we’ll get through this together, especially as it becomes easier and easier to create truly decentralized on-chain governance with Tally 😉
🤝bonus links
hope you find yourself in a pumpkin patch soon, friends. DAOtober is rockin and we’re here to bring you the spookiest news and crispiest (crisper than an autumn breeze) takes. haters keep hatin’ or smash that unsubscribe like a moth to flame. we’ll see you next week!
peace ✌🏻
your friendly neighborhood DT bois