DAO Talk End-of-Year Spectacular™️
Stats, DAO of the Year, DAO moment of the year, DAO of the Future
welcome to the DAO Talk End of Year Spectacular™️!
big thanks to the growing DAO talk community. a year ago, DAO talk was but a twinkle in the eye of your favorite DAO contributor. without you we would simply be another podcast screaming into the content void. we’re extremely thankful to meet on this tiny (not for much longer) corner of the internet and we can’t wait for what the future holds. we have a lot in store for next year.
let’s break it down by the numbers since DT’s inception back in June ⬇️
Podcast Downloads: 2,225
Podcast Episodes: 64
Location Breakdown: 62% North America, 22% Europe, 9% Asia, 2% South America, 1% Africa, 1% Oceania
Newsletters Published: 16 (103 subscribers)*
*newsletter started a few months after pod launch
if you joined the DT fam late or just need some juicy DAO content for your winter break, we’ve highlighted the most watched episodes of 2022 ⬇️
Are DAOs Dead? || DT Weekly Episode 1 (90)
nick @ gauntlet network || DT Interview #31 (68)
coolhorsegirl || DT interview #30 (59)
ross @ kaliDAO || DT Interview #24 (58)
What a Time to Be a DAO || DT Weekly Episode 23 w/ Kyler from DRC (54)
alright, let’s recap the year that was; and in true DAO talk fashion it starts on Twitter:

note: we’re definitely going to f*ck up and miss a DAO/contributor/moment that should be on this list. a huge goal for 23’ is to significantly improve our processes for surfacing deserving DAOs, contributors, and tools. if we missed something please respond to this post or hit us up on twitter and we will include it in a future newsletter 🫶
DAO of the Year
Winner: boys club
boys club boasts the most immaculate vibes, most sought after merch (pls send us a boysclub.eth hat 🥺), and the highest density of web3 talent to boot. maybe we’re biased but no DAO has done for bridging mainstream culture & DAO culture than the boys club fam.
learn more here
honorable Mentions: Radar, nounsDAO, Shiny Objects Social Club, DeepDAO, Kraus House DAO, content guild, DAO Square, cult DAO, nouns builder, rehashDAO, meta cartel
DAO moment
Winner: DAO NYC
the DAO Event of the Year™️ took over NFT NYC back in steamy day in June. a perfect mix of laid back vibes (s/o to those sick persian rugs and pillows), engaging conversation, and lively debates. DAO NYC is where the rubber met the road for leading DAO operators to connect, DAO skeptics to be converted, and new DAO schemes to be made. we can’t wait for DAO NYC ‘23.
learn more here
honorable Mentions: Moloch DAO v3, Radar’s Future Report
DAOs of the Future
Winner: Radar
we believe DAOs are the future and when we think ‘future’ we think Radar, i mean, it’s in the damn manifesto: “The first community owned & powered futures engine, discovering, incubating, & delivering better futures.”
DAO talk believes your ideas should be so ambitious they are a little scary. push the envelope. reach for something greater than yourself. change the world. we think radar will do just that.
honorable mentions: everyone we already mentioned. seriously. bullish DAOs.
as i sit here writing i can’t help but reflect on what was:

that’s a wrap on DAO talk 2022, extremely thankful for every single one of you. it’s been a wild year, but here we are. still kicking. still breathing. still DAOing.
talk soon.
your friendly neighborhood DAO talk bois